Saturday, February 07, 2009

Re-inventing Education

Just think, what if we were truly intent on preparing kids to thrive in and contribute to the 21st century. What would education look like? What skills would our young people need in the 21st century to be ethical, helpful, compassionate and collaborative citizens and creative problem-solvers of the world? What will teach our young people to be their best FOR the world? (not necessarily the best IN the world) What would be the role of the teachers? And most importantly, what would the curriculum look like?

Our present educational model is out-dated. It's the "GM model" built for an industrial society. Schools are factories with interchangeable parts (teachers) for creating uniform products (students). As a rule, they do not allow for customization and acceleration. Furthermore, the curriculum is based on the classical 15th century "Trivium" of Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric.

We have progressed to the information age. Our students no longer need to produce answers as most information is readily available online. They need to know the best ways to access the best information for problem-solving. As a result, the 21st century equivalents to the Trivium are Algorithmic thinking, computer science, programming (formerly logic); Information literacy (formerly grammar); and Qualifying sources/presenting arguments (formerly rhetoric).

Wow! Just imagine how exciting education could be if it were student-centric, interactive, multi-media focused and collaborative! By being "prosumers" kids would create content while learning and sharing. It would be an upward spiral of innovation and improvement.

Our next step is to figure out how to get from the Industrial age to the Information age. How do we move from the "GM model" to a self-paced, customizable model? Stay tuned!

food for thought:
Clayton Chistensen - Disrupting Class: how disruptive innovation will change the world learns
Tapscott & Williams - Wikinomics: how mass collaboration changes everything
Kim & Mauborgne - Blue Ocean Strategy (to develop new markets by repositioning i.e., Cirque du Soleil, Curves, Southwest)
Charter School movement - online high schools
Home School movement - acceleration, customization
Apollo Group's University of Phoenix & insight online schools (10k notes/annual report)

Brainstorm partners:
Mike Hsieh
Michael Massey
Diann Callaghan
Kevin Callaghan
and many more to come!

Friday, February 06, 2009

2009 Year of Destiny

Bam. Bam. Bam.
On December 30, I turned 50 and realized that I no longer had to "color within the lines". I was now free to color any which way--even off the page if I so desired!

On December 31, I celebrated the beginning of 2009 with Mike, Karina and Mason from the balcony of our hotel room at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki. Fireworks exploded in the skies all around us from every direction. Suddenly, at midnight, 1000 voices, a chorus in unison, from hotels rooms all over Waikiki: "Happy New Year!" I had chills down my spine feeling the power of a united humanity, all focused on one thought. 2009 would be a great year!

On January 1, the next morning, I realized that God had a divine plan for me and that I could stop trying to figure it out. If I listened to my intuition and watched for the signs, I would know that I was on the right path. This realization lifted a huge burden from my shoulders. I didn't have to have every detail planned out! I didn't have to try to KNOW everything! I could just enjoy the process! The best part was that I could give up my fears, my worries and self-doubts.

All these years I had been plagued with thoughts like "What if I mess up?" "What if I say the wrong thing?" "What if they don't like me?" Now I don't have to worry. If I just followed my intuition and stayed true to my northstar, then it wouldn't matter. I would have an infinite intelligence in my coat pocket, to guide me every step of the way.

This year, I vow to trust in God's Divine Plan for me. I let go of all of my fears, worries and self doubts and now fulfill my destiny. Every cell of my physical being is a reflection of my destiny, aglow with life energy and purpose.

Well, it's 2009. I have no idea where I'll end up but I know I'm on the right path! Finally!