Do what's important, while you can.
Auntie Barbara slipped away yesterday, March 12, at noon Chicago time. She was surrounded by Uncle George, her four children, her sister and Auntie Daisy.
What is happening? Why are God's finest people, the ones who do the most for this world, being called away, one per month?
The lessons I've learned since January:
* Control (over one's own life) is an illusion. You never know you when you will be (re)called.
* When you go, you only take your memory and your experiences. All the "success markers"-- the body, clothes, money, big house, cars, rolodex--they all stay.
* If you are suddenly called, you may not have a chance to say goodbye to those who are especially meaningful to you, or to those with whom you have unfinished business. So it's best to say what you need to say or do while you can.
* The best way to figure out your priorities is to ask, "Do I need to complete this before I go?" and "What matters more?"
* Whatever needs to be said and done--be true to yourself. It's the only way to clear the deck. It's like Tetris, a game where the objective is to clear off rows of falling blocks. If you tell your truths, your "bucket list" gets shorter. If you stay quiet or keep telling white lies, the truth gets buried and your "bucket list" gets longer.
* Life is short. Focus on the positive. After all, if all you take with you are your experiences, what kind of experiences and memories do you want to take along? It's your choice.