Friday, August 15, 2008

Failure is just an Illusion

Karina is in Beijing watching (and helping at) the summer olympics. Watching the athletes break record after record in their quest for gold, I started thinking about the silver and bronze winners. I also thought about all of those athletes that made it to the Olympics but didn't place. Were they failures? No, of course not!

I now believe failure is impossible; it is an illusion. Nothing is a failure. Nothing. EVERYTHING I do moves me forward on my journey and evolution. Since it's up to me to decide what to do and to attribute meaning to my choices and memories, then it's up to me to define what is successful and helpful. I may make less effective choices, but it's akin to taking a side road instead of a super highway. The experiences afforded by that path will be different. Who is to say that they won't be just as transformative for me?

Now that's a freeing thought!


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